Patients' Satisfaction Regarding Nursing Care Provided in Hemodialysis Unit

Document Type : Original Article


1 medical surgical department, faculty of nursing, Beni-Suef University

2 Medical Surgical nursing, Faculty of nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing


Background Patients undergoing hemodialysis require specialized nursing care, including establishment of therapeutic and interpersonal relationship, treatment of physical symptoms, and attention to the functional limitations, and educational needs of those patients. Aim of the study was to assess patients' satisfaction regarding nursing care provided in Hemodialysis Unit. The research design: A descriptive design was used to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: The study was conducted at hemodialysis unit of Beni-Suef University Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of adult patients attended to the above-mentioned settings (70) hemodialysis patients, who met the inclusion criteria. Tools: One tool was used to collect data it included two parts: Part I: A Structured interview questionnaire sheet which included Socio-demographic data and medical data of the studied patients. Part II: Self-reporting questionnaire sheet it included five parts. The results: revealed that, (98.6%) of the studied patient had moderate levels of satisfaction regarding nursing care provided in hemodialysis unit. Regarding the dimensions of care (85.7%, 80% and 90%), respectively, the majority of the studied patients had moderate levels of satisfaction about physical, psychological and nursing health teaching. and (61.4%) of them had low levels of satisfaction about social care, while (50%) had low levels of satisfaction regarding spiritual care. Conclusion: Almost majority of the studied patients were moderately satisfied and minority of them were highly satisfied regarding nursing care provided in hemodialysis unit. Recommendations: Training program must be provided for all dialysis nurses to improve their relationship and communication with patients to enhance their satisfaction


Main Subjects