Nurses’ Performance Regarding Peripheral Neuropathy and Diabetic Foot Management

Document Type : Original Article


1 medical surgical department, faculty of nursing, Beni- Suef university, Beni -Suef , Egypt

2 Assistant professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Beni-Suef University

3 Assistant Professor of general and vascular surgery-Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University

4 Lecturer,Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University


Background: Diabetic neuropathy is a prevalent condition whose treatment is costly. anticonvulsants and antidepressants is effective in pain control. Furthermore, ulceration of the foot is common and disabling, and it frequently leads to amputations. Mortality is high. . Aim: The study aims to assess nurses’ performance regarding peripheral neuropathy and diabetic foot management. Research design: A descriptive design. Setting: The study conducted at university hospital Beni-Suef (medical surgical department, outpatient of diabetic foot clinic& Intensive Care Unit). Subjects: Convenience sample ( 50 nurse) , who are working in the mentioned settings .Tools for Data Collection: Tool I: questionnaire Tool II. Nurses' Observational Checklist about Nursing Peripheral neuropathy and Diabetic Foot Management. Result: (50%) were aged between 20 and 25 years with mean age (26.72±4.83). More than two thirds of studied nurses (70%) were female. (52%) were married. (66%) had technical nursing institute. (54%) were working in ICUs. Regarding their experience and training, three quarters of studied nurses had less than five years of experience and no training regarding care of diabetic foot (74% and 76%) respectively. About (70%) had unsatisfactory knowledge levels. The majority of studied nurses (94%) had incompetent levels of practice. (92%) had negative attitude. Conclusion: The majority of studied nurses had unsatisfactory knowledge &incompetent levels of practice and negative attitude. Recommendations: Designing an in-service training program is recomended. also, the study needs be applyed with a larger sample size. To avoid diabetic foot ulcers, every nursing staff need to strictly adhere to a diabetic foot ulcer checklist


Main Subjects